Function |
Description |
AddCommonFilterList() |
Adds a filter applicable to all messages received by the BLooper |
AddHandler() |
Adds a BHandler to the BLooper |
CommonFilterList() |
Returns the list of filters applicable to all messages received by the BLooper |
CountHandlers() |
Returns the number of BHandlers attached to the BLooper |
CountLockRequests() |
Returns the number of threads currently trying to lock the BLooper |
CountLocks() |
Returns the number of times the locking thread has locked the BLooper |
CurrentMessage() |
Returns the message currently being processed by the BLooper |
DetachCurrentMessage() |
Removes the current message from the message queue |
DispatchMessage() |
Hook called to dispatch messages received by the BLooper |
HandlerAt() |
Returns the BHandler at a given index in the BHandler list |
IndexOf() |
Returns the index of a given BHandler in the BHandler list |
IsLocked() |
Tests if the calling thread holds the BLooper lock |
Lock() |
Locks the BLooper |
LockWithTimeout() |
Locks the thread if possible within a given time period |
LockingThread() |
Returns the thread_id of the thread holding the BLooper lock |
BLooper() |
Constructor |
~BLooper() |
Destructor |
LooperForThread() |
Returns the BLooper that spawned a given thread |
MessageQueue() |
Returns the BMessageQueue for the object |
MessageReceived() |
Provided for implementation |
PostMessage() |
Delivers a BMessage to the BLooper |
PreferredHandler() |
Returns the BLooper's preferred handler |
Quit() |
Shuts down and deletes the BLooper |
QuitRequested() |
Hook called in response to a B_QUIT_REQUESTED message |
RemoveCommonFilterList() |
Removes a filter applicable to all messages received by the BLooper |
RemoveHandler() |
Removes a BHandler from the BLooper |
Run() |
Spawns and runs the message loop thread |
Sem() |
Returns the semaphore used by the object for locking |
SetCommonFilterList() |
Sets the list of filters applicable to all messages received by the BLooper |
SetPreferredHandler() |
Sets the object's preferred handler |
Team() |
Returns the team of the message loop |
Thread() |
Returns the thread of the message loop |
Unlock() |
Unlocks the BLooper |