Declared in: be/interface/InterfaceDefs.h
Library: libbe.so
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This section describes the global mouse and keyboard functions.
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get_click_speed() see set_click_speed()
get_mouse_map() see set_mouse_map()
| ![]()
get_mouse_speed() see set_mouse_map()
| ![]()
get_mouse_acceleration() see set_mouse_acceleration()
| ![]()
get_mouse_type() see set_mouse_map() | |
![]() | set_click_speed() , get_click_speed() |
Declared in: be/interface/InterfaceDefs.h
status_t set_click_speed(bigtime_t interval) status_t get_click_speed(bigtime_t *interval) These functions set and report the timing for multiple-clicks. For successive mouse-down events to count as a multiple-click, they must occur within the interval set by set_click_speed() and provided by get_click_speed(). The interval is measured in microseconds; it's usually set by the user in the Mouse preferences application. The smallest possible interval is 100,000 microseconds (0.1 second).
If successful, these functions return B_OK; if unsuccessful, they return an error code, which may be just B_ERROR.
![]() | set_mouse_map() , get_mouse_map() , set_mouse_type() , get_mouse_type() , set_mouse_speed() , get_mouse_speed() |
Declared in: be/interface/InterfaceDefs.h
status_t set_mouse_map(mouse_map *map) status_t get_mouse_map(mouse_map *map) status_t set_mouse_type(int32 numButtons) status_t get_mouse_type(int32 *numButtons) status_t set_mouse_speed(int32 speed) status_t get_mouse_speed(int32 *speed) status_t set_mouse_acceleration(int32 acceleration) status_t get_mouse_acceleration(int32 *acceleration) These functions configure the mouse and supply information about the current configuration. The configuration should usually be left to the user and the Mouse preferences application.
set_mouse_map() maps the buttons of the mouse to their roles in the user interface, and get_mouse_map() writes the current map into the variable referred to by map. The mouse_map structure has a field for each button on a three-button mouse:
uint32 left
The button on the left of the mouseuint32 right
The button on the right of the mouseuint32 middle
The button in the middle, between the other two buttonsEach field is set to one of the following constants:
B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON B_TERTIARY_MOUSE_BUTTON The same role can be assigned to more than one physical button. If all three buttons are set to B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON, they all function as the primary button; if two of them are set to B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON, they both function as the secondary button; and so on.
set_mouse_type() informs the system of how many buttons the mouse actually has. If it has two buttons, only the left and right fields of the mouse_map are operative. If it has just one button, only the left field is operative. set_mouse_type() writes the current number of buttons into the variable referred to by numButtons.
set_mouse_speed() sets the speed of the mouse—the rate at which the cursor image moves on-screen relative to the actual speed at which the user moves the mouse on its pad. A speed value of 0 is the slowest movement rate. The maximum rate is 20, though even 10 is too fast for most users. get_mouse_speed() writes the current speed into the variable referred to by speed.
set_mouse_acceleration() sets the mouse's acceleration—the rate at which the cursor image gains and loses speed as the user begins and ceases moving the mouse. An acceleration value of 0 is the slowest movement rate. The maximum rate is 20, though even 10 is too fast for most users. get_mouse_acceleration() writes the current acceleration into the variable referred to by acceleration.
All six functions return B_OK if successful, and an error code, typically B_ERROR, if not.
![]() | get_key_info() |
Declared in: be/interface/InterfaceDefs.h
status_t get_key_info(key_info *keyInfo) Writes information about the state of the keyboard into the key_info structure referred to by keyInfo. This function lets you get information about the keyboard in the absence of B_KEY_DOWN messages. The key_info structure has just two fields:
uint32 modifiers
A mask indicating which modifier keys are down and which keyboard locks are on.uint8 key_states [16]
A bit array that records the state of all the keys on the keyboard, and all the keyboard locks. This array works identically to the "states" array passed in a key-down message. See "Key States" in the Keyboard Information appendix for information on how to read information from the array.get_key_info() returns B_OK if it was able to get the requested information, and B_ERROR if the return results are unreliable.
See also: BView::KeyDown(), the Keyboard Information appendix, modifiers()
![]() | get_key_map() |
Declared in: be/interface/InterfaceDefs.h
void get_key_map(key_map **keys, char **chars) Provides a pointer to a copy of the system key map—the structure that describes the role of each key on the keyboard. The pointers returned by the function are yours; you must free() them when you're finished with them.
In versions of the BeOS before Release 4, the pointers used to belong to the operating system. Now they're yours to do with as you please. Please update your applications as necessary to avoid leaking memory.
Through the Keymap preferences application, users can configure the keyboard to their liking. The user's preferences are stored in a file (Key_map within the B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, returned by the find_directory() function). When the machine reboots, the key map is read from this file. If the file doesn't exist, the original map encoded in the Application Server is used.
The key_map structure contains a large number of fields, but it can be broken down into these six parts:
- A version number.
- A series of fields that determine which keys will function as modifier keys—such as Shift, Control, or Num Lock.
- A field that sets the initial state of the keyboard locks in the default key map.
- A series of ordered tables that assign character values to keys. Except for a handful of modifier keys, all keys are mapped to characters, though they may not be mapped for all modifier combinations.
- A series of tables that locate the dead keys for diacritical marks and determine how a combination of a dead key plus another key is mapped to a particular character.
- A set of masks that determine which modifier keys are required for a key to be considered dead.
The following sections describe the parts of the key_map structure.
The first field of the key map is a version number:uint32 version
An internal identifier for the key map.The version number doesn't change when the user configures the keyboard, and shouldn't be changed programmatically either. You can ignore it.
Modifier keys set states that affect other user actions on the keyboard and mouse. Eight modifier states are defined—Shift, Control, Option, Command, Menu, Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock. These states are discussed under "Modifier Keys" in the Keyboard Information appendix. They fairly closely match the key caps found on a Macintosh keyboard, but only partially match those on a standard PC keyboard—which generally has a set of Alt(ernate) keys, rarely Option keys, and only sometimes Command and Menu keys. Because of these differences, the mapping of keys to modifiers is the area of the key map most open to the user's personal judgement and taste, and consequently to changes in the default configuration.Since two keys, one on the left and one on the right, can be mapped to the Shift, Control, Option, and Command modifiers, the keyboard can have as many as twelve modifier keys. The key_map structure has one field for each key:
uint32 caps_key
The key that functions as the Caps Lock key; by default, this is the key labeled "Caps Lock," key 0x3b.uint32 scroll_key
The key that functions as the Scroll Lock key; by default, this is the key labeled "Scroll Lock," key 0x0f.uint32 num_key
The key that functions as the Num Lock key; by default, this is the key labeled "Num Lock," key 0x22.uint32 left_shift_key
A key that functions as a Shift key; by default, this is the key on the left labeled "Shift," key 0x4b.uint32 right_shift_key
Another key that functions as a Shift key; by default, this is the key on the right labeled "Shift," key 0x56.uint32 left_command_key
A key that functions as a Command key; by default, this is key 0x5d, sometimes labeled "Alt."uint32 right_command_key
Another key that functions as a Command key; by default, this is key 0x5f, sometimes labeled "Alt."uint32 left_control_key
A key that functions as a Control key; by default, this is the key labeled "Control" on the left, key 0x5c.uint32 right_control_key
Another key that functions as a Control key; by default on keyboards that have Option keys, this key is the key labeled "Control" on the right, key 0x60. For keyboards that don't have Option keys, this field is unmapped (its value is 0); key 0x60 is used as an Option key.uint32 left_option_key
A key that functions as an Option key; by default, this is key 0x66, which has different labels on different keyboards—"Option," "Command," or a Windows symbol. This key doesn't exist on, and therefore isn't mapped for, a standard 101-key keyboard.uint32 right_option_key
A key that functions as an Option key; by default, this is key 0x67, which has different labels on different keyboards—"Option," "Command," or a Windows symbol. For keyboards without this key, the field is mapped to the key labeled "Control" on the right, key 0x60.uint32 menu_key
A key that initiates keyboard navigation of the menu hierarchy; by default, this is the key labeled with a menu symbol, key 0x68. This key doesn't exist on, and therefore isn't mapped for, a standard 101-key keyboard.Each field names the key that functions as that modifier. For example, when the user holds down the key whose code is set in the right_option_key field, the B_OPTION_KEY and B_RIGHT_OPTION_KEY bits are turned on in the modifiers mask that the modifiers() function returns. When the user then strikes a character key, the B_OPTION_KEY state influences the character that's generated.
If a modifier field is set to a value that doesn't correspond to an actual key on the keyboard (including 0), that field is not mapped. No key fills that particular modifier role.
One field of the key map sets initial modifier states:uint32 lock_settings
A mask that determines which keyboard locks are turned on when the machine reboots or when the default key map is restored.The mask can be 0 or may contain any combination of these three constants:
B_CAPS_LOCK B_SCROLL_LOCK B_NUM_LOCK It's 0 by default; there are no initial locks.
Altering the lock_settings field has no effect unless the altered key map is made the default.
The principal job of the key map is to assign character values to keys. This is done in a series of nine tables:int32 control_map [128]
The characters that are produced when a Control key is down but both Command keys are up.int32 option_caps_shift_map [128]
The characters that are produced when Caps Lock is on and both a Shift key and an Option key are down.int32 option_caps_map [128]
The characters that are produced when Caps Lock is on and an Option key is down.int32 option_shift_map [128]
The characters that are produced when both a Shift key and an Option key are down.int32 option_map [128]
The characters that are produced when an Option key is down.int32 caps_shift_map [128]
The characters that are produced when Caps Lock is on and a Shift key is down.int32 caps_map [128]
The characters that are produced when Caps Lock is on.int32 shift_map [128]
The characters that are produced when a Shift key is down.int32 normal_map [128]
The characters that are produced when none of the other tables apply.Each of these tables is an array of 128 offsets into another array, the chars array of Unicode UTF-8 character encodings. get_key_map() provides a pointer to the chars array as its second argument.
Key codes are used as indices into the character tables. The offset stored at any particular index maps a character to that key. For example, the code assigned to the M key is 0x52; at index 0x52 in the option_caps_map is an offset; at that offset in the chars array, you'll find the character that's mapped to the M key when an Option key is held down and Caps Lock is on.
This indirection—an index to an offset to a character—is required because characters are encoded as Unicode UTF-8 strings. Character values of 127 or less (7-bit ASCII) are just a single byte, but UTF-8 takes two, three, or (rarely) four bytes to encode values over 127.
The chars array represents each character as a Pascal string—the first byte in the string tells how many other bytes the string contains. For example, the string for the trademark symbol ((TM) ) looks like this:
The first byte (x03) indicates that Unicode UTF-8 takes 3 bytes to represent the trademark symbol, and those bytes follow (xE2x84xA2). Pascal strings are not null-terminated.
Here's an example showing you how to decode the character tables. This sample prints out a simple chart of the normal_map, shift_map, option_map, and option_shift_map characters:
#include <interface/InterfaceDefs.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static void print_key( char *chars, int32 offset )
int size = chars[offset++];
switch( size ) {
case 0:
// Not mapped
printf( "N/A" );
case 1:
// 1-byte UTF-8/ASCII character
printf( "%c", chars[offset] );
// 2-, 3-, or 4-byte UTF-8 character
char str[5];
int i = (size <= 4) ? size : 4;
strncpy( str, &(chars[offset]), i );
str[i] = '0';
printf( "%s", str );
printf( "t" );
int main( void )
// Get the current key map.
key_map *keys;
char *chars;
get_key_map( &keys, &chars );
// Print a chart of the normal, shift, option, and option+shift
// keys.
printf( "Key #tNormaltShifttOptiontOption+Shiftn" );
for( int idx = 0; idx < 128; idx++ ) {
printf( " %3dt", idx );
print_key( chars, keys->normal_map[idx] );
print_key( chars, keys->shift_map[idx] );
print_key( chars, keys->option_map[idx] );
print_key( chars, keys->option_shift_map[idx] );
printf( "n" );
// Free our copy of the key map.
free( chars );
free( keys );
The character map tables are ordered. Values from the first applicable table are used, even if another table might also seem to apply. For example, if Caps Lock is on and a Control key is down (and both Command keys are up), the control_map array is used, not caps_map. If a Shift key is down and Caps Lock is on, the caps_shift_map is used, not shift_map or caps_map.
Notice that the last eight tables (all except control_map) are paired, with a table that names the Shift key (..._shift_map) preceding an equivalent table without Shift:
- option_caps_shift_map is paired with option_caps_map,
- option_shift_map with option_map,
- caps_shift_map with caps_map, and
- shift_map with normal_map.
These pairings are important for a special rule that applies to keys on the numerical keypad when Num Lock is on:
- If the Shift key is down, the non-Shift table is used.
- However, if the Shift key is not down, the Shift table is used.
In other words, Num Lock inverts the Shift and non-Shift tables for keys on the numerical keypad.
Not every key needs to be mapped to a character. If the chars array has a 0-length string for a key, the key is not mapped to a character (given the particular modifier states the table represents). Generally, modifier keys are not mapped to characters, but all other keys are, at least for some tables. Key-down events are not generated for unmapped keys.
Next are the tables that map combinations of keys to single characters. The first key in the combination is "dead"—it doesn't produce a key-down event until the user strikes another character key. When the user hits the second key, one of two things will happen: If the second key is one that can be used in combination with the dead key, a single key-down event reports the combination character. If the second key doesn't combine with the dead key, two key-down events occur, one reporting the dead-key character and one reporting the second character.There are five dead-key tables:
int32 acute_dead_key [32]
The table for combining an acute accent (xab ) with other characters.int32 grave_dead_key [32]
The table for combining a grave accent (Q) with other characters.int32 circumflex_dead_key [32]
The table for combining a circumflex (xf6 ) with other characters.int32 dieresis_dead_key [32]
The table for combining a dieresis (xac ) with other characters.int32 tilde_dead_key [32]
The table for combining a tilde (xf7 ) with other charactersThe tables are named after diacritical marks that can be placed on more than one character. However, the name is just a mnemonic; it means nothing. The contents of the table determine what the dead key is and how it combines with other characters. It would be possible, for example, to remap the tilde_dead_key table so that it had nothing to do with a tilde.
Each table consists of a series of up to 16 offset pairs—where, as in the case of the character maps, each offset picks a character from the chars character array. The first character in the pair is the one that must be typed immediately after the dead key. The second character is the resulting character, the character that's produced by the combination of the dead key plus the first character in the pair. For example, if the first character is 'o', the second might be 'ô'—meaning that the combination of a dead key plus the character 'o' produces a circumflexed 'ô'.
The character pairs for the default grave_dead_key array look something like this:
' ', ''',
'A', 'À',
'E', 'È',
'I', 'Ì',
'O', 'Ò',
'U', 'Ù',
'a', 'à',
'e', 'è',
'i', 'ì',
'o', 'ò',
'u', 'ù',
. . .
By convention, the first offset in each array is to the B_SPACE character and the second is to the dead-key character itself. This pair does double duty: It states that the dead key plus a space yields the dead-key character, and it also names the dead key. The system understands what the dead key is from the second offset in the array.
As mentioned above, for a key to be dead, it must be mapped to the character picked by the second offset in a dead-key array. However, it's not typical for every key that's mapped to the character to be dead. Usually, there's a requirement that the user must hold down certain modifier keys (often the Option key). In other words, a key is dead only if selected character-map tables map it to the requisite character.Five additional fields of the key_map structure specify what those character-map tables are—which modifiers are required for each of the dead keys:
uint32 acute_tables
The character tables that cause a key to be dead when they map it to the second character in the acute_dead_key array.uint32 grave_tables
The character tables that cause a key to be dead when they map it to the second character in the grave_dead_key array.uint32 circumflex_tables
The character tables that cause a key to be dead when they map it to the second character in the circumflex_dead_key array.uint32 dieresis_tables
The character tables that cause a key to be dead when they map it to the second character in the dieresis_dead_key array.uint32 tilde_tables
The character tables that cause a key to be dead when they map it to the second character in the tilde_dead_key array.Each of these fields contains a mask formed from the following constants:
B_CONTROL_TABLE B_CAPS_SHIFT_TABLE B_OPTION_CAPS_SHIFT_TABLE B_CAPS_TABLE B_OPTION_CAPS_TABLE B_SHIFT_TABLE B_OPTION_SHIFT_TABLE B_NORMAL_TABLE B_OPTION_TABLE The mask designates the character-map tables that permit a key to be dead. For example, if the mask for the grave_tables field is,
a key would be dead whenever either of those tables mapped the key to the character of the second offset in the grave_dead_key array ('Q' in the example above). A key mapped to the same character by another table would not be dead.
See also: get_key_info(), modifiers(), the Keyboard Information appendix, set_modifier_key()
![]() |
get_key_repeat_delay() see set_key_repeat_rate()
get_key_repeat_rate() see set_key_repeat_rate() | |
![]() | get_keyboard_id() |
Declared in: be/interface/InterfaceDefs.h
status_t get_keyboard_id(uint16 *id) Obtains the keyboard identifier from the Application Server and device driver and writes it into the variable referred to by id. This number reveals what kind of keyboard is currently attached to the computer.
The identifier for the standard 101-key PC keyboard—and for keyboards with a similar set of keys—is 0x83ab.
If unsuccessful for any reason, get_keyboard_id() returns B_ERROR. If successful, it returns B_OK.
![]() | modifiers() |
Declared in: be/interface/InterfaceDefs.h
uint32 modifiers(void) Returns a mask that has a bit set for each modifier key the user is holding down and for each keyboard lock that's set. The mask can be tested against these constants:
B_SHIFT_KEY B_COMMAND_KEY B_CAPS_LOCK B_CONTROL_KEY B_MENU_KEY B_SCROLL_LOCK B_OPTION_KEY B_NUM_LOCK No bits are set (the mask is 0) if no locks are on and none of the modifiers keys are down.
If it's important to know which physical key the user is holding down, the one on the right or the one on the left, the mask can be further tested against these constants:
B_LEFT_SHIFT_KEY B_RIGHT_SHIFT_KEY B_LEFT_CONTROL_KEY B_RIGHT_CONTROL_KEY B_LEFT_OPTION_KEY B_RIGHT_OPTION_KEY B_LEFT_COMMAND_KEY B_RIGHT_COMMAND_KEY By default, the keys closest to the space bar function as Command keys, no matter what their labels on particular keyboards. If a keyboard doesn't have Option keys (for example, a standard 101-key keyboard), the key on the right labeled "Control" functions as the right Option key, and only the left "Control" key is available to function as a Control modifier. However, users can change this configuration with the /bin/keymap application.
![]() | set_key_repeat_rate() , get_key_repeat_rate() , set_key_repeat_delay() , get_key_repeat_delay() |
Declared in: be/interface/InterfaceDefs.h
status_t set_key_repeat_rate(int32 rate) status_t get_key_repeat_rate(int32 *rate) status_t set_key_repeat_delay(bigtime_t delay) status_t get_key_repeat_delay(bigtime_t *delay) These functions set and report the timing of repeating keys. When the user presses a character key on the keyboard, it produces an immediate B_KEY_DOWN message. If the user continues to hold the key down, it will, after an initial delay, continue to produce messages at regularly spaced intervals—until the user releases the key or presses another key. The delay and the spacing between messages are both preferences the user can set with the Keyboard application.
set_key_repeat_rate() sets the number of messages repeating keys produce per second. For a standard PC keyboard, the rate can be as low as 2 and as high as 30; get_key_repeat_rate() writes the current setting into the integer that rate refers to.
set_key_repeat_delay() sets the length of the initial delay before the key begins repeating. Acceptable values are 250,000, 500,000, 750,000 and 1,000,000 microseconds (.25, .5, .75, and 1.0 second); get_key_repeat_delay() writes the current setting into the variable that delay points to.
All four functions return B_OK if they successfully communicate with the Application Server, and B_ERROR if not. It's possible for the set...() functions to communicate with the server but not succeed in setting the rate or delay (for example, if the delay isn't one of the listed four values).
![]() | set_keyboard_locks() |
Declared in: be/interface/InterfaceDefs.h
void set_keyboard_locks(uint32 modifiers) Turns the keyboard locks—Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock—on and off. The keyboard locks that are listed in the modifiers mask passed as an argument are turned on; those not listed are turned off. The mask can be 0 (to turn off all locks) or it can contain any combination of the following constants:
B_CAPS_LOCK B_NUM_LOCK B_SCROLL_LOCK See also: get_key_map(), modifiers()
![]() | set_modifier_key() |
Declared in: be/interface/InterfaceDefs.h
void set_modifier_key(uint32 modifier, uint32 key) Maps a modifier role to a particular key on the keyboard, where key is a key identifier and modifier is one of the these constants:
B_CAPS_LOCK B_LEFT_SHIFT_KEY B_RIGHT_SHIFT_KEY B_NUM_LOCK B_LEFT_CONTROL_KEY B_RIGHT_CONTROL_KEY B_SCROLL_LOCK B_LEFT_OPTION_KEY B_RIGHT_OPTION_KEY B_MENU_KEY B_LEFT_COMMAND_KEY B_RIGHT_COMMAND_KEY The key in question serves as the named modifier key, unmapping any key that previously played that role. The change remains in effect until the default key map is restored. In general, the user's preferences for modifier keys—expressed in the Keymap application—should be respected.
Modifier keys can also be mapped by calling get_key_map() and altering the key_map structure directly. This function is merely a convenient alternative for accomplishing the same thing. (It's currently not possible to alter the key map; get_key_map() looks at a copy.)
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